[[Welcome->Response]]! 欢迎光临![[བཀྲ་ཤིས་བདེ་ལེགས།->Tibetan]]ཨ
I am currently studying the first year Tibetan at the University of Chicago under Karma Ngodup. The intense program focuses on grammar, reading, and translation, aiming to provide a solid basis for conducting research in and about Tibetan content and sources.
Karma Ngodup
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[[Writing Portolio->writing catagory]] [[Art and Design Portfolio->art catagory]] (link: "Data and Mapping")[(goto-url: 'http://www.google.com')] [[Contact information->contact]]
[[Just show me list of work -> overall template]]
You want to read my work?
I'm flattered.
Thank you for taking your time and effort.
I appreciate any reader of mine :)
Here are some of my proudest work!
[[Japanese Tea Cups (Poetry) -> japaneseteacups]]
Are you looking for work sample for a specific genre?
[[Creative Nonfiction->crwr]]
Want to talk about me as a writer?
[["Why do you write?"->writerstatement]]
[["what languages do you work in?" -> languages]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.[["Hello!"->Rough Catagory]]
[["In a hurry, just take me to portfolio!"-> overall template]]
[["what languages do you work in?" -> languages]]
My mother went to Japan,
and brought back three ceramic cups.
She laid them on the lame, old table
that has trembled too many times under iron fists.
Well, damn, Father exclaimed.
The damned Japanese do make fine things.
They are stringent,
they put craftsmanship into everything, answered Mother.
They try too hard to survive
on a barren island.
They are pushed to extremes.
Extremes, I thought,
has a beautiful, wonderful meaning.
It is a perfection,
written in the white ceramic rim,
in the smooth and rolling curves
that bear no trace of the maker’s crusted hands.
Perfection dusted on the shelf,
living the soothing life
tea cups are meant to live,
till the day the shelves are knocked down and I put my books,
my diaries, my pictures, my childhood into a truck.
Why, mother—
Some things are never meant to be held together,
like a pragmatist and a poet,
like a woman and a man.
My mother went to the living room,
and brought back three ceramic cups.
She laid them in my lap and said,
perhaps you can find a use for them.
[[//creative writing// ->crwr]] [[//home// ->Rough Catagory]] Double-click this passage to edit it.Here are my favorite creative writing!
[[Japanese Tea Cups (Poetry) -> japaneseteacups]]
If you want more from each catagory
[[中文作品->chinlitgen]]Double-click this passage to edit it.
[[Chiceken Pot Pie
[[//creative writing// ->crwr]] [[//home// ->Rough Catagory]] Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Born and raised in Beijing, I am a native mandarin Chinese speaker for great passions for and elegant command of [[literary chinese writing->chinlitgen]].
Mother tongue speaks with ryhmes of the heart.
English has became my adopted native tongue after 7 years of studying in the United States. Even though I hold my creative work most dearest, I am immensely thankful to have been school in succint academic and content writing.
The language one learns to cherish at 13 and grows to grasp as one matures into adulthood is like teenage love,
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.